The checklist childhood, the checklist career, the checklist marriage, the checklist life...
Ordinarily, I'm all about checklists - but they only help you get things done, they don't infuse any joy or magic into life. And sometimes, they're more about control and achievement than anything you might really want.
Let go of the checklist mentality and you will see if you should still be holding on to anything you don't actually want.
Sometimes the most beautiful moments and experiences are a beautiful, unplanned surprise. When you become fully open to anything, you might just be devastatingly moved by something.
You may find yourself fully immersed in a moment... You may let go of fear and embrace unexpected change... You may stop looking for certainty, and instead.. You might just start living.
Look into my eyes and smile Follow me with your gaze Come and stand beside me Drink in my scent Graze my arm with yours And let yourself breathe out You're safe here by my side Talk with me about everything And nothing at all Laugh, and cry with me Share a meal with me Hold me close and cherish me. Touch my hand as we walk together Write me words of love Lose yourself in my embrace And find out what I'm worth Kiss like it's the first time, the last time and the best Take me away with you And show me all the rest.
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