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Showing posts from January, 2019


I could say to myself of the love (I had): Let it not be immortal, since it is flame But let it be infinite while it lasts. -Vinicius de Moraes Change is the only constant. I could change forever with you. The seasons of my life move with the seasons of you. And you move in time with my mood.


The place between Your head and heart, Where the pulsing of life can be felt With lips pressed to skin That is the origin Of my feeling - Simply because you exist. How many lifetimes of kisses Can fit into one night You are the place I come home to This shoulder is my respite This back is never turned Here I don’t need to hide The more I am open, the more you come in The more that I laugh, the more you are brave Here we are awkward, Here we are kind.

All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them

Just because something isn't right for you doesn't make it completely wrong. Just because someone doesn't bring out the best in you doesn't automatically mean they bring out the worst in you. No one struggles to give up the bad for the good. What people are unwilling to do is give up the certainty and safety of 'good enough' and 'ok' for the thrilling yet terrifying possibility of 'amazing'.

How to love

Ask me anything - I'll do what I can. Take what you need - but not at my expense, please. Receive graciously all that I offer you. Give without regard for what you get in return. Share all that you have generously and carefully. Refuse anything that compromises your integrity. Play like a child, imagine, create, laugh and have fun as if your life depended on it.